Menar Jonban

  • Apr 23, 2018

Iran Shaking Minaret 

The Menar Jonban or the Shaking Minarets is a monument located in Isfahan, Iran. This structure and its system still remains of wonder to architects and engineers around the world. This structure was constructed to cover the grave of Amu Abdollah Soqla in 14th century. What makes this building a wonder is the fact that the minarets on top of this building would shake side to side for up to a 10 inches to each side, and it would also shake the second minaret at the same paste.

This remarkable structure is so carefully designed, that the weight distribution, height to width ration of the minarets, minarets dimensions to the iwan's ratio all play a role in the shaking of the minarets. This coupled oscillation can be observed from meters away at the ground level.Unfortunately there has been damages done to this structure that has resulted in the disconnect of the shaking mechanism. The two minarets no longer shake at the same time. Many believe this is due to rapid and aggressive shaking taking place during the holidays in high traffic of tourists. Some believe the main damage has been done when the British archaeologist try to find what mechanism lies inside the structure.